NFTs Staking
Utility to fuel the journey!
For crypto enthusiasts and digital asset collectors, the $ETRNTY NFTs will be a perfect place to discover the real creativity. It’s easy to buy, stake and sell multiple or single NFTs within a few clicks.
4 Initial NFTs
We are launching with 4 initial NFTs (1000 pieces in total) which are almost ready for minting…
Common (Hades) 500 pieces
Rare (Poseidon) 350 pieces
Ultra Rare (Hera) 100 pieces
Diamond (Zeus) 50 pieces
The best looking NFTs on the blockchain.
The way to get & stake $ETRNTY NFTs is easier than ever!
Use $ETRNTY tokens to buy ''The Edem of Olympus''. Open your Magic Box (crate) and find out which one of Hades, Poseidon, Hera or Diamond Zeus is yours!
There are different odds on which piece you will get:
50% chance to get Common (Hades)
35% chance to get Rare (Poseidon)
10% chance to get Ultra Rare (Hera)
5% chance to get Diamond (Zeus)
NFTs Staking dApp at final stage of design!
Stake your NFTs and earn more and more $ETRNTY!
The rarer the NFT, the higher the profit!
NFTs Staking periods APY:
Common (Hades)
No Lock APY: 60%, 7d APY: 90%, 30d APY: 110%
Rare (Poseidon)
No Lock APY: 90%, 7d APY: 120%, 30d APY 150%
Ultra Rare (Hera)
No Lock APY: 120%, 7d APY: 150%, 30d APY 190%
Diamond (Zeus)
No Lock APY: 150%, 7d APY 180%, 30d APY 230%
Last updated